The Lion's Den

How To Do Influencer Marketing On Instagram in 2024?

Instagram Marketing
How To Do Influencer Marketing On Instagram?

Influencer marketing has become an incredibly popular marketing strategy across brands and industries. It’s especially popular on Instagram — the top social media platform for influencer marketing.

If your company is interested in pursuing influencer marketing on Instagram but isn’t sure where to start, use this guide to learn how to do influencer marketing on Instagram.  

How Does Influencer Marketing Work On Instagram? 

Influencer marketing works through partnerships between brands who want to promote their products and social media creators called influencers who have audiences they can promote those products to. On Instagram, many different influencers work with brands by creating promotional photos and videos involving the brands’ products or services in some way. The influencers post this promotional content to their Instagram pages for all their followers to see, and the brands pay them for the promotions. 

There are many different types of influencer marketing campaigns on Instagram, from sponsored Instagram Reels to giveaways and contests. If you launch your own Instagram influencer marketing campaign, you’ll have to decide which campaign type is best for your goals. 

How Effective Is Influencer Marketing On Instagram?

Influencer marketing on Instagram can be highly effective when executed strategically. In fact, brands earn an average of 5.78 dollars for every dollar invested in influencer marketing. Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms, boasting over a billion monthly active users. The platform’s visual-centric nature and diverse features provide a conducive environment for influencer marketing. Here are key factors contributing to the effectiveness of influencer marketing on Instagram:

1. Visual Appeal: Instagram is primarily a visual platform, making it ideal for brands to showcase products or services in a visually appealing manner. High-quality images and videos catch the audience’s attention and can effectively communicate brand messages.

2. Engaged User Base: Instagram users are known for high engagement levels. They actively scroll through their feeds, engage with content through likes, comments, and shares, providing influencers with ample opportunities to connect with their audience.

3. Authentic Storytelling: Instagram’s features, such as Stories and Reels, enable influencers to share authentic, behind-the-scenes content. This allows for genuine storytelling, creating a stronger emotional connection between influencers and their followers.

4. Diverse Content Formats: Instagram offers various content formats, including static posts, carousel posts, IGTV, and Reels. This diversity allows influencers to experiment with different types of content, keeping their audience engaged and entertained.

5. Influencer Collaboration Opportunities: Instagram provides a platform for influencers to collaborate with brands seamlessly. Features like branded content tags and influencer partnerships facilitate transparent collaborations, ensuring proper disclosure of promotional content.

6. Direct Shopping Features: Instagram has integrated shopping features, allowing influencers to tag and promote products directly in their posts. This streamlined shopping experience enhances the potential for direct conversions from influencer-led promotions.

7. Targeted Advertising Options: Instagram’s parent company, Facebook, provides robust advertising options. Brands can leverage the platform’s ad features to amplify influencer content, target specific demographics, and track campaign performance.

What Are the Challenges of Influencer Marketing on Instagram?

Despite its effectiveness, there are considerations to keep in mind:

1. Saturation and Competition: With the popularity of Instagram, there is significant competition, and users’ feeds can become saturated with content. Standing out requires influencers and brands to offer unique and high-quality content.

2. Algorithm Changes: Instagram’s algorithm evolves, impacting the visibility of content. Adapting to algorithm changes and staying informed about updates is crucial for maintaining campaign effectiveness.

3. Authenticity Concerns: As the platform becomes more commercialized, maintaining authenticity is essential. Influencers must strike a balance between promotional and organic content to keep the trust of their followers.

In conclusion, when executed thoughtfully, influencer marketing on Instagram can be highly effective for reaching and engaging target audiences. Brands and influencers should stay informed about platform trends, focus on authentic content, and adapt strategies to maximize the impact of their influencer marketing campaigns.

What Is An Example Of Influencer Marketing On Instagram?

To give you a better picture of what Instagram influencer marketing looks like, let’s explore an example of a successful influencer marketing campaign

PlayStation partnered with 5 gamer influencers to create Instagram and YouTube content to promote the launch of their new virtual reality headsets. These influencers — with follower counts between 10,000 and 72,000 — created photos with the new headsets and posted them to their Instagram pages, exposing many new potential customers to the product. 

How Do I Start Using Instagram For Influencer Marketing? 

To start using Instagram for influencer marketing, there are several tasks you need to tackle:

  • Deciding on your Instagram creator marketing strategy.
  • Finding Instagram influencers you want to work with.
  • Reaching out to those influencers to propose partnerships.
  • Onboarding your new influencer partners.

After those steps, you still need to manage the campaign and track the results. 

How Does Someone Become An Instagram Influencer?

A common question from creators trying to break into the influencer marketing space is, “How do I get started in influencer marketing?” The first step to becoming an Instagram influencer is choosing a niche. What kind of content will this person produce? Who is their target audience? What sort of topics will they post about? These are all questions that a future Instagram influencer needs to answer for themselves. 

After they choose their niche, the next step is to start creating high-quality content in that niche. A lot of people post social media content, so influencers need to learn how to make content that stands out and resonates with people. They can always search for Instagram influencer content ideas on other influencers’ pages. It will take time to learn what works and what doesn’t, but the most important thing is to stay consistent. Social media algorithms all reward consistency, and audiences appreciate it, too. 

As the influencer accumulates followers, brands may start to reach out with partnership opportunities. If not, they can look for influencer programs for Instagram creators. They can also join an Instagram influencer marketing agency that helps connect them with brands looking for influencers. 

How Many Followers Do You Need To Be Considered An Influencer? 

Another big question for those interested in how to become an influencer on Instagram is — how many followers do you need for influencer marketing? However, there’s no hard and fast rule about how many followers someone needs to be considered an influencer. 

Contrary to popular belief, social media users don’t have to have millions and millions of followers to be successful influencers. Micro-influencers (influencers with between 1,000 and 100,000 followers) and nano-influencers (a subset of micro-influencers with between 1,000 and 10,000 followers) are increasingly successful in the world of influencer marketing. So, how many followers do you need to be paid on Instagram? With as few as 1,000 followers, social media users can start making money as influencers. 

Someone with 3,000 followers can be an influencer just as much as someone with 3 million followers. That said, the answer to the question, “Can you become an influencer with no followers?” is no. By definition, an influencer must have an audience of people who care about their content, and that isn’t the case if they have no followers. Someone with no followers could work up to being a successful influencer, however, as they build an audience. 

How Lionize Can Help With Influencer Marketing 

You don’t have to tackle influencer marketing alone. Lionize’s influencer marketing software helps you unlock the full potential of influencer marketing without investing tons of time and effort. Our AI-powered software manages your influencer partnerships for you in one easy-to-use platform. Book a Discovery Call today to learn more about how Lionize can help you crush influencer marketing.